Friday 5 September 2014

Getting Organised: Food!

Reuben is fast approaching 5 months, and everyone is getting very excited about starting him on solids. I'm excited, but waiting until the moment is right, not too soon and not to late; goldilocks style.

First I have to get organised - I love that being prepared is the Montessori way. So here is my list of getting organised:

1. Cutlery - The best deal I've found is through I Am Montessori

2. Plates, bowls, shot glasses and pitchers... searching the op shops.

3. Weaning table and chair - My father in law is going to help me make it thanks to the patterns from Voila Montessori and I've ordered this high chair so Reuben can be involved in our meals.

4. Read everything I can on the topic - so far my list involves
Montessori Moms - who makes reference to this great article
How We Montessori
Vibrant Wanderings - PDF on food.
Natural Parents Network
Michael Olaf

5. Watch for the signs Reuben is readySee the Raising Children Network
- can sit up and hold his head when supported - check!
- shows and interest in food - he's looking at the cup/fork going from the table/plate to mouth - check!
- reaches out for your food - not yet
- opens mouth when offered food - not yet

6. Start thinking about Reuben's first foods. 

7. Start introducing water and juice (he's not ready yet!):

Do you have any good references or experiences? Get in touch in the comments or via email

Montessori Moms - who makes reference to this great article
How We Montessori
Vibrant Wanderings - PDF on food.
Natural Parents Network
Michael Olaf

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